Doctoral Studies

The Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology offers two curricula of Doctoral Studies:

  • Gene Technology
  • Molecular and Cell Biology

Defended thesis

Within the curriculum specialization takes place, the specialities are e.g. bioinformatics, cell biology, genetics etc.

The state stipend to a student is 660 euros per month. All students who have passed attestation and fulfill the curriculum in the amount of 100%, receive an additional bonus stipend 400 euros per month.

The immatriculation and study process will change starting from autumn 2022 in connection with the reform of Doctoral Studies in the university.
In February 2022 the entrance to new PhD programmes will be available.
The immatriculation of these students will take place in autumn semester of 2022/2023 academic year.

Doctoral students who have entered the studies before the academic year 2022/2023, follow the regulations which were present before until the end of their studies.

The Doctoral School for Biomedicine and Biotechnology operated until August 2023. The activities were run by the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology.
The aim of the doctoral school was to improve the quality and efficiency of doctoral studies in cooperation between universities and other partner institutions. PhD students from the institutes of Molecular and Cell Biology, Institute of Genomics and Institute of Technology as well as students from the Medical Faculty formed the critical mass of the students of the school from the UT.

ASTRA doctoral schools were launched in 2009. Since 2016, doctoral schools were part of the funding measure “Institutional development programme ASTRA for research and development and higher education institutions” (The University of Tartu ASTRA project PER ASPERA). Their activities were funded by the European Regional Development Fund.

Reform of Doctoral Studies

The reform of doctoral studies will be launched in the academic year 2022/2023. The curricula are renewed, the obligatory study load will be reduced, more attention can be paid to the scientific project. Doctoral students will be employed with working contracts as junior researchers. Doctoral centers will be formed occupied with organizing the studies and consultation.

Plan for developing doctoral studies

New programmes of doctoral studies in the Faculty of Science and Technology

The institute participates in two new programmes of doctoral studies in the faculty: 1) Engineering and Technology (specialities Molecular biotechnology and Environmental technology) 2) Earth and Life Sciences (speciality Molecular biosciences)

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